[faq-toggle title=”Solutions for Young Adults and their Families”]
Paul Krauss offers consulting services to families with young adults all around the United States. Paul will assess your situation, work with you to make a specific plan of action, facilitate connection with the appropriate intensity and type of service for your unique situation in your area, and provide you with information and possible solutions for your situation. In addition, if you utilize Paul’s consulting services, you will be given free admission to his next workshop for parents of young adults.
Consulting Package:
- 1 hour & 15 minute initial consultation via videoconference or phone
- A customized and detailed report sent to you following your consultation
- Information and possible solutions to your situation
- Individualized recommendations for services in your area based on level of need, your family’s unique culture, as well as your young adult’s personality and preferences
- Free admission to Paul’s next workshop for Parents of Young Adults
- From Sofa to Success: 10 tips for helping your young adult get healthy and live their life
- A list of additional resources for Parents
- A list of additional resources for Young Adults
- Follow up consulting sessions at a reduced price
*This is not a counseling service. This is an educational consultation and resourcing service. Paul provides this service with an agreement that you will be seeking the appropriate level of care from licensed professionals in your state or in the state of the treatment center (from crisis inpatient to local outpatient). Paul will conduct research to find counselors or treatment centers in your area and with consideration to a price range that would be appropriate for your situation, help you establish a plan of action, give you information on best practices to help your relationship with your young adult, and provide you with a customized report and additional resources.
NOTE: Paul has NO financial investment or personal interest in any of the counselors or treatment centers that he may recommend to you. While Paul will spend researching and contacting counselors and services in your area, he is an independent consultant and not a part of any referral program. Paul is referring to these counselors and/or treatment centers in good faith based on their advertised skills and ability to work with young adults and their parents. Paul has met with representatives and independently investigated many inpatient and intensive outpatient treatment programs to assess, which, he believes, are best equipped for young adults and their families.

Does my child qualify?
Consultations are for 16-29 year old Adolescents/ Young Adults and their Parents
If you live in the Phoenix area you may request consulting services and/or counseling services.
Click here to learn more about counseling services
Paul does provide long-distance consulting and educational services, but does not provide long-distance individual or family counseling due to differing state laws and because Paul believes professional counseling is best conducted in person.
Located outside of the Phoenix area? No problem. Paul Krauss offers a special consulting service to families all around the United States. Paul will assess your situation, provide you with education and ideas, work with you to make a specific plan of action, and help to connect you with the appropriate level and type of service in your area. To learn more click on the link to our consulting page here.
$375 for the Initial Consulting Package! (A $500 dollar value)
- 1 hour & 15 minute initial consultation via videoconference or phone ($150 dollar value)
- A customized and detailed report sent to you following your consultation ($150 dollar value)
- Information and possible solutions to your situation (included in report)
- Individualized recommendations for services in your area based on level of need, your family’s unique culture, as well as your young adult’s personality and preferences (included in report)
- Free admission to Paul’s next workshop for Parents of Young Adults ($150 dollar value)
- From Sofa to Success: 10 tips for helping your young adult get healthy and live their life
- A list of additional resources for Parents ($25 dollar value)
- A list of additional resources for Young Adults ($25 dollar value)
Reduced Price Follow Up Consulting Sessions (Optional):
- 5 Consulting Sessions at $550 if you pay in advance and use within 1 year (5 consulting sessions = $600 dollar value).
- Normal Price $120 per hour per consulting session.
To request this service:
First, request a consulting appointment with Paul Krauss by emailing Paul at:Paul.Krauss.Counseling@gmail.com or leave a message on his confidential voicemail:616-200-4433
How do I pay?
Consulting appointments must be prepaid. See our policies document for more details.
Click here for the required paperwork and disclaimer that you need to sign.
To view the flyer Click Here
Important Notice:
*These consulting services are not a substitute for professional treatment of any mental health condition. This collaboration is meant to help you work to on your family relationships, find appropriate in-person treatment, and make changes to your self and family dynamics that benefit you and your family. This consulting service is considered part education, part coaching, and part consulting. This is not a substitute for professional treatment. Part of this service includes Paul working to help you get connected with professional services in your area.
Consulting Services provided by Paul Krauss to individuals and families across the United States via videoconferencing and/or telephone.
[faq-toggle title=”Find Your Purpose”]
One of the most difficult parts of life is, first, believing and, second, feeling that what you are spending your time on and how you are doing it is meaningful and worthwhile.
We all come from unique situations and backgrounds, with vastly different life experiences.
Despite this, there is a part of each and every human that wants to belong, feel that our life has meaning, and believe that the way we spend our time is connected to a purpose.
We want to find our purpose.
No matter your age or station in life, cultural background, gender, situation, socioeconomic status, location, etc. Paul will work with you to help you find your purpose or prepare you for the journey in which you will discover it.

Are you a student who is not sure of what to study or pursue?
Are you a businessperson who is growing tired of your current position or way your company does business?
Are you a stay at home parent who feels tired and drained all the time?
Are you working a job that you hate?
Are you and artist or musician who is not sure how to integrate your creativity into your current circumstances?
Did you find a purpose earlier in life and then lose your joy and energy for this purpose?
Are you retired and are growing increasingly bored and disconnected?
If you identify with any of the above then Paul’s Find Your Purpose consulting program may be for you.
Or perhaps you already enjoy your life and you just want some guidance on finding greater purpose in what you are already doing. Either way, Paul can help.
When you find your purpose, it as if a light turns on!
Finding your purpose can help you get through the tiring and mundane parts of your week with ease.
Finding your purpose can help you overcome difficult obstacles and thrive in uncertainty.
Finding your purpose can help you gain clarity in your life on the little things as well as the big things.
Are you ready to start?
Often I’ve seen that when people figure out what they are passionate about and are able to translate this passion into a career, calling, or hobby, many negative thinking patterns may go away naturally. Once a person finds their purpose, they may feel stronger, more confident and experience a level of happiness and joy not previously imagined.
Finding your purpose can help you embrace your identity.
You may realize your true identity and find a new purpose.
It is never too late to start.
“He who has a why to live for can bear almost any how.”
― Friedrich Nietzsche
“Make your work to be in keeping with your purpose”
― Leonardo da Vinci
“I’m not unhappy,” he said. “Only people with no purpose are unhappy. I’ve got a purpose.”
― Cassandra Clare, City of Bones
*These consulting services are not a substitute for professional treatment of any mental health condition. This consulting service is strictly collaboration between participants and Paul Krauss. This collaboration is meant to help you find your purpose or to get on the path to figuring it out—should be considered part education, part coaching, and part consulting. This is not a substitute for professional treatment. You may also be engaged in therapy with a local professional while participating in this consulting program. Paul will refer you to a local licensed mental health professional if it becomes apparent that you need treatment for a mental health condition.
Find your Purpose Consulting:
- 5 Consulting Sessions at $550 if you pay in advance and use within 1 year (5 consulting sessions = $600 dollar value).
- Normal Price $120 per hour per consulting session.
How do I pay?
Consulting appointments must be prepaid. See our policies document for more details.
Click here for the required paperwork and disclaimer that you need to sign.
Consulting Services provided by Paul Krauss to individuals and families across the United States via video conferencing and/or telephone.
[faq-toggle title=”Consultation for Counselors”]
Are you looking to improve your clinical outcomes?
Are you seeking a fresh approach to your clients and your paperwork?
Did you receive your Master’s Degree in Counseling, Social Work, or Marriage and Family Therapy and are now finding it difficult to practice the skills you learned?
Are you looking for a new way to work with clients?
Is work stress or events in your personal life, affecting patient care?
Are you new to private practice counseling and are trying to find your way?
Are you looking for new resources and materials to help you get a fresh perspective on the way you are working with your clients?
Are you trying to figure out what type of population you want to work with?
Are you attempting to determine what techniques or theory work best for you?
Do you ever feel that you know a great deal of theory, but are unsure how to apply it with clients?
Do you ever question why you went into the field of counseling in the first place?
Paul has had extensive experience working with counselors in various contexts.
Paul has worked as a trainer for social service agencies since 2010.
Paul has served as supervisor for counselors seeking licensure since 2014.
Paul is creative as a counselor and works to not stagnate in rote techniques, yet Paul is also well trained and knowledgeable about procedural interventions such as EMDR and CBT.
Paul has continued to work on integrating a wide variety of therapy techniques into his practice and his written extensively on the subject. Paul is in the process of creating a program to teach best practice counseling techniques to healthcare workers of all stripes. Because of Paul’s experience, training, and creative integration of techniques into counseling—he will no doubt be a valuable asset to you in your own counseling work.
See Paul’s Meet the Staff and FAQ for more information on his background.
***These consulting services are not a substitute for professional treatment of any mental health condition or a substitute for professional supervision. This collaboration is considered to be helpful education, anecdotes, case examples, and best practices in implementing therapy techniques. This consulting service is considered part education, part coaching, and part consulting. This is not a substitute for professional treatment. If you are in need of professional supervision, Paul will work with you to find an appropriate service in your area.
***I understand that these consultations do not constitute clinical supervision and that I remain completely responsible – ethically and legally – for the decisions I make in my own clinical case situations. My consultant will provide me with an opportunity to discuss clinical cases and issues about which s/he may have some expertise, and s/he may help me consider options for responding, but the comments made for my consideration are not supervisional mandates
Consultations for Counselors
- 5 Consulting Sessions at $550 if you pay in advance and use within 1 year (5 consulting sessions = $600 dollar value).
- Normal Price $120 per hour per consulting session.
To request this service:
First, request a consulting appointment with Paul Krauss by emailing Paul at:Paul.Krauss.Counseling@gmail.com or leave a message on his confidential voicemail:616-200-4433
If you are a mental health professional and live in the Phoenix area, you may prefer to receive professional counseling services from Paul. If so, check the Getting Started Page for more information. If you would like consulting services, local or long distance, read on.
How do I pay?
Consulting appointments must be prepaid. See our policies document for more details.
Click here for the required paperwork and disclaimer that you need to sign.
Consulting Services provided by Paul Krauss to individuals and families across the United States via video conferencing and/or telephone.
[faq-toggle title=”Basic Consulting for Individuals”]
Consulting Package:
- 1 hour initial consultation via videoconference or phone ($150 dollar value)
- A customized and detailed report sent to you following your consultation ($150 dollar value)
- Information and possible solutions to your situation (included in report)
- Individualized recommendations for services in your area based on level of need, personal and cultural preferences (included in the report)
- A list of additional resources and informal supports based on your situation (included in the report).
- * a $300 dollar value for $250.
Paul will assess your situation, work with you to make a specific plan of action, facilitate connection with the appropriate intensity and type of service for your unique situation in your area, and provide you with information and possible solutions for your situation.
The basic consulting service you are agreeing to participate in is meant to guide you as you decide on solutions for starting treatment, such as finding the appropriate professional help, working on joining or building up informal supports, examining resources, general education on mental health, learning to become an advocate for yourself and more. Paul Krauss will use his knowledge of working in the field of mental health to discuss your situation with you, and then work on an entire report that has suggestions of providers in your area to choose from, ways to enroll and get the most out of your services, informal resources, and general educational material. Paul’s report and conversation with you may also include customized suggestions and ideas for other local resources (e.g. support groups etc.) as well as additional resources such as helpful literature, audio programs, helpful Internet articles and related sites, podcasts, and blogs (if appropriate for your situation).
To request this service:
First, request a consulting appointment with Paul Krauss by emailing Paul at:Paul.Krauss.Counseling@gmail.com or leave a message on his confidential voicemail:616-200-4433
How do I pay?
Consulting appointments must be prepaid. See our policies document for more details.
Click here for the required paperwork and disclaimer that you need to sign.
Important Notice:
*These consulting services are not a substitute for professional treatment of any mental health condition. This collaboration is meant to help you work to on your family relationships, find appropriate in-person treatment, and make changes to your self and family dynamics that benefit you and your family. This consulting service is considered part education, part coaching, and part consulting. This is not a substitute for professional treatment. Part of this service includes Paul working to help you get connected with professional services in your area.
Consulting Services provided by Paul Krauss to individuals and families across the United States via videoconferencing and/or telephone.
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