Paul Krauss has over 10 years of clinical experience working with teens, young adults and their parents. Paul and the staff at Intentional Counseling Services specialize in working with the parents of young adults and teens as well as the teens and young adults themselves. The development between ages 16 and 29 can be a very trying time for many families. There can be significant changes in relationships, family dynamics, time spent together, attitudes, values, and other challenges. Many times parents will wonder what is going on with their child? Or parents will wonder why are their son or daughter is not completing college in a timely manner or taking work seriously? At the same time many young adults start to mistrust their parents and believe that they can’t and won’t understand them. Often, this gap in the relationship can lead to the young adult withdrawing and isolating from their parent(s) and sometimes to seek that closeness of relationship with an unhealthy peer group, an intense “romantic” relationship, Internet groups, drugs/alcohol, or other substitutions.
Despite the widening gap between teens, young adults and parents, there is hope. Counseling may help your family come back together and facilitate your young adult finding their way in this difficult world. For parents, there are various options to help them understand what is happening with their young adult, relieve anxiety about the young adult’s safety, bring an end to major arguments and start to facilitate a closer relationship. Among these options are: counseling, workshops, and consulting services (all offered by Intentional Counseling Services)—as well as informal and formal groups of parents coming together, and all forms of written materials and media aimed at parents and helping families.
If you live in the Grand Rapids, call Paul Krauss for an assessment 616-365-5530. Paul and his staff of counselors can work with you to make a plan for change, whether the family participates together, or parents and teens and young adult separately—we will work to find the best plan for your family.
Check out this 3 part series that Paul Krauss wrote about helping the parents of young adults and teens:
Located outside of the Grand Rapids, MI? No problem. Paul Krauss offers distance-consulting services to families all around the United States. Paul will assess your situation, work with you to make a specific plan of action, facilitate connection with the appropriate intensity and type of service for your unique situation in your local area, and provide you with information and solutions.