Paul Krauss MA LPC works with leaders and high achievers in Grand Rapids, MI.
Leadership is as rewarding as it is difficult. Being a high achiever in your field can be as exciting as it is stressful.
Often times, Leaders and High Achievers don’t have a circle of trusted people to be completely honest and authentic with.
Life at the top can be lonely and isolating. With everyone coming to you for guidance and answers–it is difficult to ask for assistance.
At times being a high achiever can be frustrating–with so many people relying on you and, at times, expecting perfection–NOW!
Leaders and High Achievers do their best work when they are able to recharge and refocus–and that will happen while working with Paul Krauss MA LPC.
As a leader and high achiever, you are already an expert at something–maybe many things. To climb to the next level of greatness, it is important to discover what your blind spots are.
“The mastery of the art of leadership comes with the mastery of the self…” – Jim Kouzes and Barry Pozner
Are you ready to get to the next level? Why not do that in a confidential counseling office? Paul Krauss is sworn to secrecy through the counseling ethics and healthcare laws–he is not like a business coach or consultant who may later divulge parts of your story to others. Nothing you say leaves Paul’s office.
Leadership of others can grow to be routine–but sometimes leading ourselves is difficult. What is in control? Our ego or our soul? Our head or our heart? How do we find a balance? What about the concept of a work/ life balance? How do we prioritize relationships and have energy after we leave the office? How do we slow down when business is speeding up? All of this and more can be worked out if time and attention is paid to it. Why do it alone? Contact Paul Krauss today.
You staff and family will thank you for taking action. A great leader works on their inner peace, so that people will naturally follow them–they won’t have to lead by threats or coercion.
Do you need a space where you can reflect and work on the micro issues and relationship challenges that come with leadership?
Do you need a place where no one is expecting perfection–and you are allowed to talk about and explore the issues you want?
Then call Paul Krauss MA LPC today 616-365-5530 or contact Paul at
Paul Krauss practices counseling in the Grand Rapids area.